Why your Gut Feeling is more Powerful than Logic

“Gut feeling” is that powerful inner feeling that we feel we must follow. Logic and reason is something we follow with the hope it will work out.

Sean P. Durham
11 min readSep 1, 2019


Sometimes, when we listen to that urge to do something without further consideration, we discover that our thinking was spot on. That’s how we begin to trust our gut - after using all our resources.

Psychology tells us that most of our decisions are based on an emotional response to the object that we are looking at.

The problem is that many people believe that gut feeling, or emotional decisions will lead them into trouble.

What they don’t realize is that any decision we make is based on an emotional need.

The initial thoughts about a decision may have been intellectual and logical, but the final handshake was a hearty feeling that everything is right, so just going ahead with the action will bring desired results.

Gut feelings are always the result of summing things up, a strong intuitive feeling, an urge if you like, is the result of a lot of weighing up of facts and figures. So trusting this powerful desire to do something can often lead to a good decision.

