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Love as the Core of Your Identity

Love between two people, an intimate love that is newly found, is a road of discovery and learning for each individual.

Sean P. Durham
5 min readSep 7, 2021


“Love is the Energy of Life” Robert Browning

There’s often a lot of confusion about what love is. We are all taught that love is something mysterious, a thing that arises, and takes hold of our lives. That we don’t control it because it’s a powerful and an almost spiritual thing that we should just roll with, and enjoy.

There are different types of love. A mother’s love for her child, and father’s love for his child. Romantic love between two people. And the kind of love that a teacher has for their students. There are many more situations where the action of love supports life situations.

These all have different functions and outcomes. Love is a conscious way of living in a community with people, a way to ensure proper and harmonious communication — as much within groups as between two intimate lovers.

The mental attitude of love can extend itself to all situations involving people, and should be a basic part of a healthy lifestyle.

Attempting to be exclusive about giving love to others is like using it as a bartering tool to profit

